178 research outputs found

    Optimal pilot decisions and flight trajectories in air combat

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    The thesis concerns the analysis and synthesis of pilot decision-making and the design of optimal flight trajectories. In the synthesis framework, the methodology of influence diagrams is applied for modeling and simulating the maneuvering decision process of the pilot in one-on-one air combat. The influence diagram representations describing the maneuvering decision in a one sided optimization setting and in a game setting are constructed. The synthesis of team decision-making in a multiplayer air combat is tackled by formulating a decision theoretical information prioritization approach based on a value function and interval analysis. It gives the team optimal sequence of tactical data that is transmitted between cooperating air units for improving the situation awareness of the friendly pilots in the best possible way. In the optimal trajectory planning framework, an approach towards the interactive automated solution of deterministic aircraft trajectory optimization problems is presented. It offers design principles for a trajectory optimization software that can be operated automatically by a nonexpert user. In addition, the representation of preferences and uncertainties in trajectory optimization is considered by developing a multistage influence diagram that describes a series of the maneuvering decisions in a one-on-one air combat setting. This influence diagram representation as well as the synthesis elaborations provide seminal ways to treat uncertainties in air combat modeling. The work on influence diagrams can also be seen as the extension of the methodology to dynamically evolving decision situations involving possibly multiple actors with conflicting objectives. From the practical point of view, all the synthesis models can be utilized in decision-making systems of air combat simulators. The information prioritization approach can also be implemented in an onboard data link system.reviewe

    Game-Theoretic Validation and Analysis of Air Combat Simulation Models

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    Security Services by ISPs, Real Value or Waste of Money?

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    An Input-Process-Output Model of Pilot Core Competencies.

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    Abstract. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the flight-related core competencies for professional airline pilots and to structuralize them as components in a team performance framework. To achieve this, the core competency scores from a total of 2,560 OPC (Operator Proficiency Check) missions were analyzed. A principal component analysis (PCA) of pilots’ performance scores across the different competencies was conducted. Four principal components were extracted and a path analysis model was constructed on the basis of these factors. The path analysis utilizing the core competencies extracted adopted an input–process–output’ (IPO) model of team performance related directly to the activities on the flight deck. The results of the PCA and the path analysis strongly supported the proposed IPO model. </jats:p

    What we got Here, is a Failure to Coordinate: Implicit and Explicit Coordination in Air Combat

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    Publisher Copyright: © Copyright 2023, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.Air combat is the ultimate test for teamwork, as teams of fighter pilot (or flights), must coordinate their actions in a highly complex, hostile, dynamic and time critical environment. Flights can coordinate their actions using communication, that is, explicitly, or by relying on team situation awareness (SA), that is, implicitly. This paper examines how these two forms of coordination are associated with performance when prosecuting or evading an attack in simulated air combat. This was done by investigating the flights’ team SA, number of SA-related communication acts and performance in these two types of critical events during air combat. The results exhibit a quadratic dependence between team SA and communication. The rate of change of SA-related communication frequency with respect to change of team SA was negative: communication was needed to build team SA, but once an appropriate level of team SA was established, fewer communications were required. If, however, team SA deteriorated the number of SA communication acts increased. However, during time critical events, the flights did not always have enough time to coordinate their actions verbally. If the flights’ team SA in such situations was low, the flights’ explicit coordination attempts were not sufficient to avoid poor performance.Peer reviewe

    Comparison of in-flight and post-flight use of NASA-TLX

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of airborne assignment of NASA-TLX scores. A total of 21 participants flew two simulated flying missions. In both missions, the participants’ task was to fly an instrument landing system (ILS) approach, followed by a stabilized climbing turn maneuver. In one mission, the participants evaluated their mental workload on the ILS approach and assigned the NASA-TLX scores during the climbing turn maneuver. In the other mission, the same tasks were conducted after the simulated flying task. The participants’ NASA-TLX scores and flying performance between missions were compared. There was no significant difference in the participants’ flying performance between missions. There were no significant differences in either NASA-TLX scores or overall indices between two missions
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